Functions of fiber

Fiber is HIGHLY underestimated.
Yes- most of us associate fiber with being able to use the bathroom but did you know....

-There are TWO kinds of fiber: insoluble and soluble
-SOLUBLE fiber:
absorbs water and creates a bulk. it may actually be binding if you are not drinking enough fluids
binds to bile and removes it into our poop aka lowers cholesterol, lowers toxin levels, regulates hormone levels like estrogen
regulates blood sugar
serves as food to help the good bacteria in our guts to thrive
pushes our poop out thereby getting the bacteria /viruses out of our bodies

BOTH lower risk of certain cancers.....

Learn how to integrate fiber into your diet with one on one coaching.
Book a FREE discovery call today.


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Broccoli Sprouts: As much nutritional punch in 2 tablespoons as there is in 1 pound of broccoli